Cloud Trace Propagator Example ============================== These examples show how to make OpenTelemetry use the ``X-Cloud-Trace-Context`` header for context propagation. Basic Example ------------- To use this feature you first need to: * Create a Google Cloud project. You can `create one here `_. * Set up `Application Default Credentials `_ by `installing gcloud `_ and running ``gcloud auth application-default login``. * Installation .. code-block:: sh pip install opentelemetry-api \ opentelemetry-sdk \ opentelemetry-instrumentation-flask \ opentelemetry-instrumentation-requests \ opentelemetry-exporter-gcp-trace \ opentelemetry-propagator-gcp \ Flask * Create a server that uses the Cloud Trace header .. literalinclude:: :language: python :lines: 1- * Make a client that uses the Cloud Trace header .. literalinclude:: :language: python :lines: 1- Checking Output -------------------------- After running these examples, you can go to `Cloud Trace overview `_ to see the results.